Eid Ul Fitar Celebrations During COVID-19 Pandemic | Eid Mubarak | Scotistani | Anila

2020-05-20 14

Eid ul Fitr or ‘Meethi Eid’ as we the Pakistanis have traditionally known it as marks the end of the month of Ramzan. Every year Scottish Pakistanis celebrate Eid with traditional enthusiasm just as it is celebrated in Pakistan. However this year, the Eid celebrations are affected by COVID-19, the mosques are closed so the congregational Eid prayers and celebrations will have to happen at home.
Scotistani spoke with a few members of the Pakistani Diaspora asking them how they planned to celebrate Eid this year.
The Muslim community is being encouraged to celebrate Eid from home, and virtually with friends and family. The Muslim Council of Britain has issued guidance on how to celebrate Eid in COVID 19 lockdown.
Scotistani aims to connect the diverse communities in Scotland as well as the Pakistani diaspora worldwide. Our objective is to promote cultural, educational and commercial ties between Scotland and Pakistan and celebrate all things - Scottish, Pakistani and Scotistani....
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Stay safe, stay home and follow the COVID19 guidelines issued by the government.

#Eid #EidUlFitr #Scotistani #EidMubarak